The Donald Trump campaign and Washington
Republicans are calling on Democratic presidential
nominee Hillary Clinton to have all of her daily
schedules as secretary of state released before Election
Day, after the State Department said Friday it cannot
comply with the court-ordered release until after
The Associated Press reported earlier this week, after
analyzing schedules released so far, that more than
half the people outside the government who met or
spoke by telephone with Clinton while she was
secretary of state had given money -- either
personally or through companies or groups -- to the
Clinton Foundation.
“It is unacceptable that the State Department is now
refusing to release her official schedule before the
election in full,” Trump campaign spokesman Jason
Miller said after the agency told AP lawyers late
Friday that the last of the detailed schedules won’t be
release until around Dec. 30.
“Voters deserve to know the truth before they cast
their ballots,” Miller continued. “Hillary Clinton
should immediately demand that these public records
be released before voting begins.”
The State Department has so far released about half
of the schedules -- seven months after a federal judge
ordered the agency to begin releasing monthly batches
of Clinton’s detailed daily schedules, which show with
whom she had meetings.
Revelation about the foundation’s fundraising and
allegations of a so-called “pay-to-play” operation,
along with Clinton’s use of a private server system
while secretary of state for official emails, have raised
question among voters about her trustworthiness and